Great Trails…

Trail Report
January 17, 2018
Conditions Good to Very Good

The Conditions are the best we’ve seen all year. We have a solid base with a good amount of snow on top. Groomers have been out on all trails over the course of the week and we are classifying the entire trail system as good, but the further north you go the more snow you will find; the northern half of our trail system is considered very good. We are monitoring the temperatures for this weekend as currently Friday and Saturday are above freezing, we hope that with our base and minimal direct sun the trails will hold up. This Saturday we have a fundraiser at Eunica’s Beaver Lodge with an Italian buffet from 5 to 8pm, please come out and support our club as the money raised at these events assist with trail grooming. Be sure to check out trail 182 which has been groomed for the 1st time in 4 years and is in very good shape right now. Also, please remember to drive safe and at a controllable speed.